Rabu, 18 September 2013


"When things break, it's not the actual breaking that prevents them from getting back together again. it's because a little piece get lost - the two remaining ends couldn't fit together even if they wanted to. the whole shape has changed." --Will Grayson Will Grayson, John Green

"Timing is everything, even in love. And when you are not ready to commit, you could end up regretting it. Sometimes, timing rather than love decides who we end up being with - or without. Only some lucky people marry the loves of their lives. The rest marry the most suitable person who comes along when they are ready to settle down. Even if the love of one's life appears when one is single, one may not be in the right frame of mind to recognise him or her as such. And then love passes by. Life is littered with near misses and lost opportunities."

reblog: kuntawiaji tumblr

what do you think, uh? kalau kamu mikir aku lagi jatuh cinta, hmm enggak juga sih. dibilang lagi patah hati....enggak juga sih.

apakah ada rasa trauma? ya, aku merasakan itu. kalau mungkin banyak yang merasa aku lagi patah hati atau semacamnya karena suka bilang 'kalau jodoh pasti ketemu, kalau ga ketemu ya ga jodoh', itu bukan semacam rasa patah hati yang ngarep2 orang yang disukain, nyukain balik, bukan juga rasa pesimistis untuk hubungan yang sudah terjalin. aku hanya merasa jadi lebih realistis, itu aja. because i knew it, berember-ember air mata yang tumpah karena hubungan yang menahun dan mimpi-mimpi yang ikutan dibangun diantaranya tiba-tiba aja buyar. yes, because a little piece get lost. dan siapa yang bisa menahan atau mencabut itu kalau bukan tangannya Sang Pencipta?

ternyata, di hidup ini emang banyak banget ya yang ga rasional.

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